
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Prosecutor forbidden from presenting evidence, case against Councillor Maria Pearson dismissed

Private prosecutor Jose Pablo Bustamante walked into the John Sopinka Courthouse having waited just over 3 months for his chance to present evidence against Councillor Maria Pearson that she broke the Municipal Elections Act by not filling out her financial statements properly.  Before he could present any evidence, Judge Welch made it known to him that he is forbidden from presenting evidence to the Court as a private prosecutor. Judge Welch continued for the next 15 minutes telling Mr. Bustamante that he isn’t prepared for the trial and that he will not be allowed to present evidence on the case because he had no witnesses to present the evidence on his behalf. Mr. Bustamante then asked Judge Welch if the case can be adjourned, Ms. Pearson’s lawyer Jeffery Manishen rushed  up out of his seat claiming that Mr. Bustamante wanted this issue to go to trial and objected the matter go on farther. Judge Welch continued to talk for another 5 minutes telling Mr. Bustamante that “he has nothing against him” and that he is “unprepared” for today’s trial,  eventually ordering the case to be dismissed. Mr. Bustamante had the evidence in hand, but not having extensive knowledge of Canadian Laws, was forbidden from presenting evidence to the court. Mr. Bustamante was not happy with the decision " I was expecting a different outcome. However I respect Canadian Laws, and the people administrating justice and even when sometimes I can disagree with the outcomes, I will always obey the results" said Jose Pablo


  1. Another reason that proves Hamilton is corrupt.

  2. Hahahaha....Bernard, are you really surprised? Corruption, corruption, corruption. Only in Hamilton. This lame 'loop hole' in the law would not fly in Toronto. Thank god I don't live in Hamilton any more, that place is a shit hole, no jobs, the people running it are shit, and now the judicial system is shit too. Run far away Bernie!

  3. This is really sad and frustrating news. Damn.

  4. I have to disagree with you that Hamilton is a "hole" as you put it. This City has great potential and with the right people running the show, things can turn around quickly. I hope we are headed in the right direction in regards to jobs, leadership and the judicial system. I still whole heartedly believe that this City can be great and we’re on the brink of that greatness.
